Friday, May 13, 2011

Whitehorse! Sorry, no white horses...

So I was in whitehorse. The hotel was cute and came with a fan so I was happy. After arriving in Whitehorse at 3am and not getting to the hotel un 3:45am I was exhausted and barley awake therefore leaving my bathing suit on the bus, so THATS gone. Sorry gram. Anyways, so when i finally got to the hotel signed in and found my room I was out like a light. I was totally ready to fall asleep in my clothes but they were cold, so that was the only reason i changed into pj pants.
I was imagining Whitehorse to be this hick town where everyone wears plaid and drivers beat up vehicles but no! Well I was right about the vehicles but nothing else. It was still laid back style but there were some people who could of walked down town Toronto and not get starred at.

MMMMM. Soon as we got into Whitehorse you know I was asking all the locals where an all day breakfast place was. And you know I found one! RICKY'S! This was the most delicious thing I ever ate. 4 strips of bacon, 3 sasage, 3 eggs, 4 pieces of toast, home fries on the whole plate (or platter i should say) and then 3 big pancakes.
The answer is no I did not eat it all unfortunately. Could go for that now though..

And of course I would be the pne to hunt down a walmart. It was werid to see it not busy, like brantford you have to pack miles back, but here there were spots right up front! It was smaller too. There was a McDonalds in this one too, but I didnt get it here, I went out of my way to find another location.

There were a bunch of little hotels in Whitehorse, this was just an example of a cute one.

Some of the sights

There is a story behind this one.. which I probably should break the code and tell everyone, but what the heck. So when I came to college and had to share bathrooms with an entire floor.. i hated it and never wanted to go to the bathroom. So in the elevator one day with friends I came up with this saying "Long John Silver". We would use it when we would have to go to the bathroom but didnt want to because people wuold be in there, so we would suffer with that feeling. It caught on immediately, not to toot my own horn.. but im brilliant.

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