Thursday, May 26, 2011

house keeping is NOT for the faint of heart...

Ahhhh, where to begin? Well, I think Ill start with the hair.

This is E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E!! Like even in places that it shouldnt be, it amazes me. I know that it it normal for people to shed hair, and me being a girl I shed hair a lot, especially after a shower and Im drying my hair. But this is a whole other story, and its always the little black curly ones too!! Ugh. So, to clean a bathroom we have to clean it top to bottom each time we do a room, and it takes me forever when its only supposed to take about a half hour to do a whole room (it takes me 15mins to do just ONE bed! But Ill get to that later) which is crazy. Anyways, the bathroom is always completely soaked, its like the people dont even shower in the designated area.. so I have to dry all that and THATS where the hair is. And since everything is wet.. the hair sticks to you. As I was leaving today I found a clump madded in with a lint ball stuck in my sock.. wonder how long that was there for today? Also, the towels always seem to be covered with these little black curly hairs.

I will be very short with this one. I am totally repulsed sometimes, its like people dont even TRY to get it in the bowl (this includes #1 and #2....) I cleaned one tolet the other day and I should of just BURNED the rags.. but no, we normally just take them to laundry and then those people deal with it. But these rags were actually thrown out, Im just gunna say it clumps of poo were on them. CLUMPS. And of course I was the one who had to do that one, I definitely was gagging with that one, my eyes were watering and tears were running down my face.. but hell would freeze over before I would wipe my eyes evem if I was wearing some heavy duty gloves. No way, it probably was a site and a half.

Well those are my major 2 complaints.. I now have a whole new respect for house keepers at hotels, next time I am in a hotel I will be tipping and leaving fruit because here thats a luxury and Id rather have fruit than money! Haha. Although today I did get a whole piece of chocolate cake from this one lady as a tip haha. It was gross, wayyyy to chocolatey for me, but nice.

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