Thursday, June 30, 2011

a failed attempted up the dome....

this was the fox that we seen once we gave up and started heading down. it was so skinny i dont know how it was still alive!?
the champion celebatory drink. even though we only completed about 1/4's way up...
yeaaa son!
copying kyle. failed, but good attempt.
the view when the sun cleared up for about 5mins. it was so hot and humid.
so long story short, for the first day of summer dawson has this massive party on top of the dome, which is a mountain with a landslide. anyways it quite the hike up and ive never done it before so i thought the party was a great chance to start. it almost killed me. i was so out of breathe and hot that i thought i was going to go into cardiac arrest! the group that we started walking up with actually just left us because we were so slow, which made me mad because we didnt know the way up. so i decided to lead our group of michelle, kyle and myself. team of champions. man i was on a role, i was just motoring up the hill. taking one for the team and breaking spider webs with my face, walking right through puddles soaking my feet. at that point i just didnt care, i was soaked anyways from the pouring rain haha. all in all it was goodtimes, even though we took the wrong trails and didnt make it up the dome anyways haha.

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